
Sign Ordinance Enforcement

There have been some questions about the sign ordinance from 1988 that is currently being enforced. To clarify, the ordinance is as follows:

Section 14-201 Posting on Public Property. It shall be unlawful to place any advertisement, business, political or otherwise, or any notice or sign of any nature on public property within the town, by the use of a placard, picture, paper, circular, printing, or by any means of device whatsoever.

Section 14-202 Posting on Private Property. It shall be unlawful to place any advertisement, notice or sign of any nature on private property without written consent of the owner or lessee of the property.

WSHS Alumni Games

Update: due to bad weather on March 23rd, these games have been postponed to April 6th.

Attention WSH graduates. With the help of the WSH Booster Club, the War Eagles softball and baseball teams are having their first annual Golden War Eagle Alumni Games. Even if you didn’t play baseball or softball in high school you can still participate  Sign up using the link below. We are hopeful to have a successful fundraiser where people can reunite with old classmates, friends, and family.  It’s sure to be a great time! 

